Join Us

We can’t do this alone. We need you to make this happen! Please prayerfully consider joining our mission in one way or another.

Our number one need is ongoing prayer and encouragement. Which is why we want to bring you along on our journey! Short of buying a plan ticket, you can follow us on facebook, instagram, or sign up for our email list below. Or just shoot us an email!


We also need financial support! Moving across the ocean isn’t cheap. Our chief desire is that you would add your support to help sustain our monthly budget. But if you have a gift on your heart, any one-time donation can go toward covering our up-front expenses. Thank you!

We’re being sent by Echo Church Cincinnati, who have done us the kindness of setting us up on their portal (and thus allowing your gift to be a tax-deductible charitable donation!) To give, go to and select “Benton Family Mission to Scotland” under the “Purpose” tab. From there you can either give once or set up regular giving to our fund!